0.1 Management System Policy and Goal

Quality policy: full participation, effective supervision, continuous improvement.

All members use the lean management method to establish and improve the quality Management System. The whole process of the production must comply with the requirements of relevant regulations. Quality compliance is the principle of organizing production and sales. The continuous improvement of product quality is the company’s eternal goal. By eliminating all potential hazards that may affect product quality, the company continuously improves the quality of products to meet customer requirements.

0.2 Management of Quality Management System Manual

  1. The “Quality Manual” is a company-controlled document. It is prepared/revised/abolished by the Comprehensive Management Department, reviewed by the management representative, and approved by the general manager.
  2. After the approval of the “Quality Manual”, the Comprehensive Management Department will create the PDF documents, which will be stored in the company’s dedicated server for encryption and sent to the departments/units by mail. The original copies will be kept by the Comprehensive Management Department.
  3. All departments/units are not allowed to revise the contents of the manual without approval.
  4. The code, version, revision, review, approval, release, recycling, and abolish of the “Quality Manual” are properly managed.
  5. The Quality Manual is not allowed to disclose (including copying, photographing, copying of electronic files, etc.) without the approval of the management representative.

1 Scope

This “Quality Manual” is made for monitoring the production and operation status and the medium and long-term development plan of Cestoil Chemical Inc. According to the requirements of GB/T19001 standards, the company comes up with the quality policy and goal, stipulates the quality management system, and outlines the product quality requirements of various functional departments and production workshops, illustrates the roles and standards in quality management systems, demonstrates the elements of control activities for quality management systems.

All aspects have been explained in principle, procedures, means and methods for product quality.

Clear regulations and instructions have been made.

2 Normative references

2.1 normative standards

2.1.1 GB/T19000-2017/ISO 9000:2015, Quality Management Systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary

2.1.2 GB/T19001-2017/ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems — Requirements

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 Quality management system uses the terms and definitions established in GB/T19000-2017/ISO 9000:2015

3.2 QMS: It is an abbreviation of quality management system established according to GB/T19000-2017/ISO 9001:2015

3.3 Relevant parties: refers to customers, government supervision departments, suppliers, employees, community residents, and outsiders who are allowed to enter the workplace.

3.4 The company: refers to the abbreviation of Cestoil Chemical Inc.

4 Context of the organization

4.1 Understanding the organization and its context

As part of the development of this Management System and to ensure its ongoing suitability, Management has identified the internal and external issues relevant to Cestoil Chemical Inc.’s purpose and strategic direction and that are considered in the development of the Management System and are periodically reviewed.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

Due to their effect or potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, the company identifies and determines that:

a) the interested parties that are relevant to the Quality Management System are: customers, external suppliers, employees, investor, and society.

b) the requirements of the above-interested parties that are relevant to the Quality Management System. The Management System related departments monitor and review information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements. Especially considering these requirements and expectations in which will become compliance obligation. Compliance obligation could include but not limited to: operational permit requirements.

4.3 Determining the scope of the Management System

The scope of the Management System and manual takes into consideration 4.1) the external and internal issues, 4.2) compliance obligations, our business activities and our authority and ability to exercise control and influence based on the understanding of needs and expectations of interested parties.

The scope is the production of mixed trimethylbenzene, mixed tetramethylbenzene, heavy aromatic oil, cold flow improvers (EVA) and petroleum chemical additives (fatty acid type and fatty acid ester type diesel lubrication improver, oil additives) and related occupational health & safety management activities.

The Management System has been developed based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, and all requirements have been addressed and included with the exceptions below:

Section 8.3 Design and Development is not included as Cestoil Chemical Inc. does not conduct these activities.

4.4 Management System and its processes

4.4.1 Cestoil Chemical Inc. Management has: Developed a Quality Management System based on the requirements of the following standards:

ISO 9001:2015 Requirements for Quality Management Systems

Management has:

a) Determined processes, sequences and interactions needed for the Management System for business operations

b) Determined the inputs required and outputs expected from these processes

c) Determined criteria and methods needed for effective control and operation of processes

d) Ensured the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of processes

e) Assigned responsibilities and authorities for these processes

f) Addressed the opportunities associated with the processes

g) Implemented actions needed to monitor results and to make changes to achieve planned results and continual improvement

h) Improved processes of the management system

4.4.2 Management has:

  1. Ensured that processes are in place to develop written procedures or instructions to provide guidance on operations and to support repeatability and continuity as needed, in times of change
  2. Ensured that processes are in place to create records needed as evidence that processes are being carried out as required.

5 Leadership

5.1 Leadership and Commitment

5.1.1 General

Comprehensive Manager has conducted quality management and has specific responsibility for establishing, maintaining and continuously improving the Management System.

Management demonstrates leadership and commitment with respect to the Management System by its action and words:

a) Management accepts accountability for the effectiveness of the Management System.

b) Management ensures that the Cestoil Chemical Inc. Management System statement and related objectives are compatible with the company’s context and strategic direction, and ensures that the Management System processes are built into our day-to-day operations.

c) Management recognizes the importance of the process approach, that identifies process inputs and outputs and the importance of risk-based thinking as a proactive approach to efficient operations and continual improvement

d) Through planning, Management ensures that adequate resources are provided for the Management System and for daily operations

e) Through engagement with all employees and through training, Management ensures that the importance of the Management System and the need to conform to its requirements are understood.

f) Through monitoring results, Management ensures that the Management System achieves its intended results and that our objectives are met.

g) Through demonstrated leadership, Management engages, directs and supports employees to improve the effectiveness of the Management System and likewise contribute Cestoil Chemical Inc’s success.

h) Management supports other management roles to demonstrate their leadership in their areas of responsibility.

i) Ensuring that those with responsibility manage the business processes function as required.

5.1.2 Customer Focus

To focus on customers and enhance customer satisfaction, General Manager requests all departments and all employees:

a) Identify, and respond to risks and opportunities that can affect product and service compliance to enhance customer satisfaction

b) Fully consider customer requirements in the whole process of implementation management to enhance customer satisfaction

c) Ensure the product functions, performance, technical indicators, delivery dates, product life and services meets the customer’s requirements and applicable laws and regulations,

d) Understand the current and future needs and expectations of customers through surveys, research, analysis and communication with customers to enhance customer satisfaction

e) Collect customer feedback and service information and satisfy customer requirements through continuous improvement

f) General Manager ensures that mechanisms are in place to regularly collect customer feedback on product quality and improvement.

5.2 Policy

5.2.1 Making the Management Policy

The General Manager creates the quality policy and officially approved and released it. And make sure it:

a) is compatible with the company’s purpose, consistent with the company’s strategic direction

b) is appropriate for the nature and scale of the activities, products and services of the company;

c) includes a commitment to meeting requirements and continuously improving the effectiveness of the management system

d) has commitment to compliance with laws, regulations and other requirements

e) provides a framework for the development and review of objectives

f) gets communication and understanding within the company;

g) is reviewed for continued suitability

5.2.2 Communicating the Management Policy

The General Manager shall ensure that the quality policy shall:

a) be available, be maintained as documented information, be modified if needed and be released as approval.

b) be communicated, understood and applied within the organization;

c) be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

The General Manager ensures that the duties and authorities within the company are regulated and communicated, and the responsibility and qualifications for each position are identified, the duties, authorities, and relationships between different departments and various types of personnel are identified, the leadership of each department on the quality management of specific department is clarified.

The General Manager is responsible for the quality management of the final product, and specify the report system, corrective actions, and preventive control procedures, etc., to:

a) ensure that the quality management system meets the requirements of this standard

b) ensure that each process interacts and achieves the expected output

c) report on the performance of the quality management system and its improvement opportunities, especially to the top management;

d) ensure that customer focus is promoted throughout the company

e) ensure that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when it is planned and implemented.

f) ensure that employees’ quality awareness

g) identify and equip the resources required for quality management

6 Planning

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

6.1.1 Our Management ensures that the planning for the design of the Management System included consideration of the context of our business and the needs and expectations of interested parties as described in sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this manual. This includes the risks and opportunities related to quality as well as other aspects which company can be influenced.

The planning is intended to provide:

a) actions that will give assurance that the Management System can function as required and provide results that meet our needs and those of our customers

b) actions to improve desirable outcomes and prevent or reduce negative outcomes

c) Improve our business processes and the Management System processes

d) Assurance that all statutory and regulatory requirements are known and met.


Potential emergency situations within our control have been considered, and are minimal due to the type of materials being processed in our warehouse.

Potential emergency situations outside our direct control are those related to bulk chemical storage, transportation and delivery. The outsourced providers are responsible for all aspects of this. We reduce the risks of spills or other negative events by evaluating providers to ensure they have all the required controls in place to avoid problems, as well as having processes in place to respond.

6.1.2 Planning the Management System includes integrating the above actions into our business operations and Management System processes, ensuring that they are appropriate to the level of risk or opportunity.

6.2 Quality and environmental objectives and planning to achieve them

Revising the Management Plan

6.2.1 Goal and Performance Index

Management along with Staff have developed Management System and related goals at appropriate functions and levels which are intended to drive improvement. These objectives are recorded and:

a) Support the Cestoil Chemical Inc. Management System Policy

b) are measurable and take into account our business and Management System goals as well as customer satisfaction

c) are monitored for performance, are communicated to staff and others as appropriate and are updated as needed

7 Support

7.1 Resources

7.1.1 General

Our Management ensures that adequate planning, funding, and resources are provided for the maintenance and improvement of the Management System and operations, taking into account existing internal resources and what may be needed to be acquired externally.

7.1.2 People

Cestoil Chemical Inc.’s Management will ensure that adequate and competent staff are provided for the effective implementation of the Management System and our operations as well as compliance obligations.

Our personnel or any externally provided personnel performing work that affects the quality or the environment shall be competent, based on relevant and appropriate:

a) Education

b) Training

c) Experience

7.1.3 Infrastructure

To ensure the legal operation, satisfy customers requirements, ensure the establish, implement and continuous improvement of the management system, the company decided to provide the following infrastructures:

a) building and its associated infrastructure: space for production, office, warehousing

b) equipment, includes hardware and software: computer, printer, scanner, telephone, fax, internet and other office software and equipment; production unit, test equipment

c) transportation resources: equipment and worker for production, storage processes, and the associated logistic resource

d) IT technology: internal and external communication system

7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes

To ensure product quality, human factors (social factors and psychological factors), physical factors and their combination, combined with the process and characteristics of the operation, shall be taken into account when identifying and determining the operating environment. Examples are:

a) social factors (such as non-discrimination, harmony and stability, no confrontation)

b) psychological factors (such as relieving psychological stress, preventing excessive fatigue, and protecting personal feelings);

c) physical factors (such as temperature, heat, humidity, lighting, air circulation, hygiene, noise, etc.).

The human factors and psychological factors are managed by the Comprehensive Management Department based on the concept of “people-oriented,” and controlled from the aspects of labor insurance, welfare, care, and culture. Physical factors are controlled by the production site execution process.

7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources

Monitoring and Measuring Control7.1.5.1 Establish and maintain the Monitoring and Measurement Control Procedure. Identify monitoring and measurement requirements and configure appropriate monitoring and measurement equipment.

a) The Quality Control Department monitors and measures product conformity according to the specified requirements to ensure the effectiveness of evidence of monitoring and measurement results in compliance with the specified requirements.

b) Monitoring and measuring equipment accounts or schedules shall be established to clearly identify applicable monitoring and measuring equipment.

c) The monitoring and measuring control procedure shall be determined to ensure that monitoring and measuring activities are feasible and implemented consistently with monitoring measurement requirements. To ensure the effectiveness of the measuring, the followings shall be done:

a) Equipment that needs to be calibrated according to the regulations shall be sent before the scheduled calibration time or before use. The calibration basis and data of the equipment calibrated within the company shall be recorded.

b) Make adjustments and readjustments as necessary.

c) shall be able to identify its calibration status (including calibration date, period)

d) Prevent adjustments that may invalidate the measurement.

e) During handling, maintenance and storage, protective measures shall be taken to prevent damage or misalignment.

f) If the equipment is found to be inconsistent with the requirements, the validity of the previous measurement results shall be evaluated and confirmed, and appropriate measures shall be taken for the equipment and the affected products.

g) Save the calibration and verification records for monitoring and measuring equipment.

h) Software for monitoring and measurement shall be confirmed prior to initial use and reconfirmed if necessary.

i) Personnel using monitoring and measurement equipment shall have the ability to use correctly and do the routinely maintain

7.1.6 Organizational knowledge

Comprehensive Management Department is responsible for organizing different departments to identify, validate and provide the knowledge required to run the process to obtain qualified products and services, which may include but are not limited to:

a) each department establishes relevant knowledge and database according to functions, such as product standards, information provided by customers or external suppliers, intellectual property rights, etc.

b) lessons learned from the product improvement process of the Production Department and the disposal of non-conforming products in the Quality Control department

c) gaining lessons and experiences from daily production, operation

In response to changing needs and development trends, department heads shall always listen to the employee’s opinions for knowledge and data collection and update. Collecting method could be the external acquisition, online download, request from relevant parties or relevant organizations, participation in external academic exchanges, professional meetings, etc.

It can also be done by summarizing internal experience, doing technical research, labor competition, new technology, and performing the new technology review, quality analysis, case analysis of accident handling, and disposal of non-conforming products.

The carrier of knowledge can be presented through process documents, work instructions, operating procedures, inspection specifications, etc.

Information can be exchanged through discussions, training, internships, drills, etc. Knowledge is updated and re-shared through such things such as document changes, revision, and expansion project reviews, legal and regulatory updates, and compliance evaluations.

7.2 Competence

Resource and Employee Development SupportOur Management will

a) Determine the necessary competence for staff or others performing work affecting product or service quality, environmental aspects, and the Management System.

b) Ensure that they are competent based on our needs for education, training, experience or personal attributes such as teamwork and communication.

c) Where applicable, provide needed training or take alternative actions to achieve necessary competence, including that related to environmental aspects and the Management System.

d) Evaluate the effectiveness of the training e) Maintain records of education, training, and competence.

7.3 Awareness

Comprehensive Management Department will ensure that all staff or others performing work on company’s behalf:

a) Are aware of the Cestoil Chemical Inc. Quality Management System Policy.

b) Are aware of their contribution to the effectiveness of the Management System and the benefits of improved quality performance, how their work impacts on quality, and how they contribute to the achievement of the company objectives.

c) Are aware of the implications of the poor quality of not conforming to the Management System requirements

7.4 Communication

Communication FlowchartThe company determines the internal and external communications relevant to the quality management system, including:

a) on what it will communicate

b) when to communicate

c) with whom to communicate

d) how to communicate

e) who communicates.

General Manager determines the approach to be used when communicating internally and externally about the Management System. This includes guidance on what will be communicated, when, to whom and to what levels and functions, and under what circumstances this will take place (including changes to the Management System); how the communication will take place and the people responsible for the communication. This is to ensure that a consistent approach is in place

Communication will ensure that staff or others working under our control understand the importance of and make efforts to continuous improvement in our processes

a) type of meeting: general meeting, dispatch meeting, evaluation meeting, scheduled meeting, quality analysis meeting, etc.

b) type of documentation: administrative document, dispatch document, report, technical document, minute, etc.

7.5 Documented information

7.5.1 General The organization’s quality management system shall include:

a) ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System Requirement

b) To ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system, the company determines and creates the necessary documented information

The company makes the following documents:

a) Management policy and goal of documented files

b) management manual

c) procedure files and records

d) operational documents and records

7.5.2 Creating and updating Company makes and performs the document control process, the following aspects need to be controlled:

a) identification and description (e.g. a title, date, author, or reference number)

b) format (e.g. language, software version, graphics) and media (e.g. paper, electronic)

c) review and approval for suitability and adequacy.

7.5.3 Control of documented information Company stipulates the contents and requirements in the document control process to ensure:

a) it is available and suitable for use, where and when it is needed.

b) it is adequately protected (e.g. from loss of confidentiality, improper use, or loss of integrity). For the control of documented information, the company addresses the following activities, as applicable:

a) distribution, access, retrieval, and use

b) storage and preservation, including preservation of legibility;

c) control of changes (e.g. version control)

d) retention and disposition. Documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the quality management system shall be identified as appropriate, and be controlled. The content, identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention, and disposal are regulated and records in the Document Control Procedure. Records, information, and vouchers shall be standardized, accurate, clear, complete to be identified and searched easily.

8 Operation

8.1 Operation planning and control

8.1.1 Planning of product supply process (process planning)

The Production Department identifies and plans the product realization process, and the planning shall be consistent with other requirements in the quality management system. The planned output shall be documented in a type suitable for the company’s operations. The document shall specify the input, activity, and output requirements for each process. And the corresponding responsibilities, permissions and resource allocation, if necessary, shall be clear:

a) product quality objectives (indicators) and requirements.

b) requirements for product identification processes (including outsourcing processes), documentation and resources.

c) determine the verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and testing activities required for the product and the acceptance criteria for the product.

d) records to determine and prepare evidence for the process and conformity of the products

When the production process changes (which may include raw materials, process flow, equipment, product characteristics), the Production Department must review, consider the outcome of unintended changes, and take steps to mitigate adverse effects as necessary.

8.2 Customer’s requirements for products and services

Based on our needs related to customer communication to ensure efficient operations, written procedures are created, implemented and maintained by the Sales Department.

Communication with Customer


8.2.1 Customer Communication Sales department shall be responsible for communicating with customers about business-related issues. Communication shall be:

a) Multi-level: For example, communication between executive levels or sale departments from each company

b) Multi-channel: For example, communication between salespeople, technicians, and quality control specialists

c) Multi-timing: For example, communication before, during and after sales

d) Multi-method: For example, communicating with customers by visiting, calling and having a questionnaire. Communication with customers shall include:

a) providing information relating to products and services;

b) handling inquiries, contracts or orders, including changes;

c) obtaining customer feedback relating to products and services, including customer complaints and specific requirements for contingency actions, when relevant.

d) handling or controlling customer property

8.2.2 Determining Customer requirements The requirements related to the product refer to the full range of requirements from product requirements to product reuse. The Sales Department shall determine the requirements related to the product from the following perspectives:

a) Customer-defined requirements (such as product quality requirements), including requirements for delivery and post-delivery activities (post-delivery activities include customer contract or any after-sales service identified in the order).

b) Required requirements related to the use, although not explicitly stated by the customer.

c) Requirements of laws and regulations related to the product, including:

d) All regulations applicable to the purchase, storage, handling, recycling, elimination or disposal of materials.

f) Any additional requirements determined by the company (such as additional requirements for factors such as customer satisfaction, the company’s own development needs, and its conditions).

8.2.3 Review of Customer requirements related to the product The review of the requirements related to the customer shall be carried out separately before the bidding phase of the project and before the signing of the contract. The requirements of the review include:

a) Product requirements have been specified (or have been established).

b) The requirement to inconsistent the contract or order with the previous statement has been resolved.

c) The company has the ability to meet the required requirements. The assessment method may be a meeting, a signing or a direct review. Specific execution (related to the customer process control) The conclusions of the review and the tracking measures triggered by the review must be recorded and maintained.

8.2.4 Changes to Customer requirements for products and services When the product requirements change during the target stage or before the contract is signed, the reviewed change information shall be timely transmitted to the relevant departments, personnel, and suppliers to ensure that the relevant documents are modified and the relevant personnel is informed of the change request.

8.3 Design and development of products and services

This is not applicable

Purchasing Control Flowchart


8.4 Control of externally provided processes; products and services

8.4.1 Extent of control and provider management The company’s purchasing control is mainly applied when purchasing various raw materials, and there is no outsourcing process in the production process. The method and procedure for controlling the supplier shall depend on the result of the purchased product on the product realization process and the quality of the final product. In order to ensure that the purchased products meet the requirements, the Purchasing Department shall select, evaluate and re-evaluate the ability of the supplier (including the outsourced supplier) to provide products according to the requirements and guidelines of the supplier evaluation, and evaluate the qualified supply. Who passing the evaluation are listed in the Qualified Supplier List. Any necessary measures arising from the supplier evaluation shall be recorded and maintained.

8.4.2 Type and extent of control The company’s procurement of products, usually using the method of purchase verification by the quality control department. For suppliers whose product quality and delivery time are unstable, the purchaser may verify with the relevant department before the purchase to the supplier’s source, and indicate the verification arrangement and the most release mode in the procurement documents. When the customer requests to the supplier for verification, the purchaser shall also indicate the verification arrangement and the way the product is released in the procurement documents. The verification at the supplier’s source cannot be used as evidence of the supplier’s qualifying product.

8.4.3 Purchasing Information The procurement documents shall specify the name, specification, quantity, delivery date, quality requirements, supplier name, etc., and, if necessary, the approval requirements for the product, the procedure, the equipment, and the qualifications of the personnel provided. And the requirements for the supplier’s quality management system. The Purchasing Department is responsible for implementing the procurement and ensuring that all procurement requirements are adequate and appropriate before communicating with the supplier. The Purchasing Department monitors the performance of external suppliers on a daily basis, such as the approval rate, the timely delivery rate, and the timeliness of rectification of problems, as evidence of the supplier’s annual assessment.

8.4.4 Influence on related parties The Purchasing Department shall carry out an assessment of the necessary environmental occupational health and safety factors in the evaluation/reevaluation of the supplier to determine the manner and extent of the influence of the supplier and other related parties on the environmental occupational health and safety of the company. The Purchasing Department shall, according to the results of the assessment, exert the necessary influence on the supplier that may affect the occupational health and safety of the environment according to the procedural requirements, and give appropriate control. Relevant parties that do not meet the requirements shall take measures to eliminate or reduce the environmental occupational health and safety risks brought to the company and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

8.5 Production and service provision

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision – overview The company establishes and maintains the “production plan control procedures” and “production process control management procedures.” The Technical Department is responsible for the control of the production process, the Production Department is responsible for the management of the production process, and the Sales Department is responsible for the communication after delivery and delivery. Each functional department shall ensure that the company’s production and service activities operate under controlled conditions from the following aspects:

a) provide technical specifications to field operators.

b) set up process documents and work instructions in the required positions. Consider the application of the prevention technology in the process planning process and take measures to prevent human error.

c) use and maintain suitable production, monitoring, and measuring equipment.

d) monitoring of important production and service processes or equipment.

e) analyze the results of monitoring and measurement and make improvements promptly.

f) release and deliver products as required, and provide necessary follow-up services promptly Process Confirmation The company shall confirm the special process in production and service. The principle of confirmation is:

a) When the results of the process cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring measurements.

b) The process of the problem after the product has been delivered. According to the analysis of L art, the hydrogenation, desulfurization, and polymerization of the production process of the company are processes that need to be confirmed.

a) Specify and approve the production process guidelines.

b) Qualification of production equipment and personnel for these processes.

c) Operate and record in strict accordance with the prescribed process.

d) If the process, equipment, and personnel are changed, the above process should be reconfirmed.

8.5.2 Identification and Traceability The company establishes and maintains the “Marking and Traceability Control Procedures”, and each department shall execute the operations in accordance with the procedures. The production department/warehouse department shall organize and determine the product identification requirements in the whole process of product realization, and determine the appropriate identification methods (such as listing, division, accompanying records, etc.), relevant departments are implemented as required to identify products The quality control department shall determine the inspection status (including qualification, non-conformity, inspection, etc.) of the product identified by the appropriate method (such as listing, accompanying record, etc.) for the measurement and monitoring requirements of the product, and the inspector shall implement it as required. The production department organizes the analysis and determines the requirements for product traceability of the company itself, customers, regulations, standards, etc., and the relevant departments shall control and record the unique identification of the products in the product realization process according to regulations to ensure that the necessary Traceability requirements. Identify and identify related requirements and related reminders such as the environment, occupational health and safety, safety production, social responsibility and counter-terrorism.

8.5.3 Property belonging to Customers and suppliers Customer property mainly includes the customer’s intellectual property (such as the customer’s technical requirements, application sites, etc.) and the tools provided by the customer to verify product conformity, etc. The property of the external supplier mainly includes the packaging of the supplier, which is recycled by the purchasing department according to the agreement of the parties. If there is a technical specification provided by the customer, the sales department shall transfer the production department to control as a foreign document, and refer to the “Document Control Procedure” for details. When the property provided by the customer or an external supplier is found to be lost, damaged or otherwise not applicable, the corresponding department shall record it and The sales department/purchasing department that feeds the counterpart is contacted and negotiated by the counterpart management department.

8.5.4 Preservation of Product Each production and warehouse unit is responsible for the centralized management of product protection (including warehouse, production site and delivery process) of the department. Identify products in accordance with the provisions of the Marking and Traceability Control Procedures to prevent confusion and misuse. Product protection targets include purchased products, semi-finished products and finished products. The product protection requirements shall be fully implemented by marking, handling, packaging, storing and protecting the products according to the regulations at the corresponding stages.

8.5.5 Post-delivery activities The sales department is responsible for determining the scope and extent of the activities after the product is delivered, and the corresponding provisions in the contract, including

a) Legal and regulatory requirements

b) Potential undesired consequences associated with the product

c) the nature, use and life expectancy of the product

d) customer requirements

e) Customer feedback

The sales department is responsible for organizing the implementation, verification and reporting of post-delivery activities and guarantees

a) Ensure that technical documents delivered are controlled and updated

b) Provide sufficient technical support and resources for post-delivery activities, and assign technical personnel to use on-site guidance when needed

c) Collect and analyze information in the delivery

d) When problems are discovered after delivery, appropriate measures (including investigation, processing and reporting) should be taken

Note: Post-delivery activities may include related activities as defined in the warranty terms, such as contractual technical guidance, and recycling or eventual disposal of additional services.

8.5.6 Control of changes to production or service provision

When the process changes, the Production Department is responsible for organizing the review and control of the changes to ensure stable compliance.

The Production Department is responsible for keeping records and information about changes to the process design process, including those who change the results of the review, who are authorized to make changes, and the necessary actions to take in accordance with the review.

8.6 Release of products and services

8.6.1 The Quality Control Department shall establish and maintain the “Monitoring and Measurement Control Procedures” and shall be responsible for the monitoring and measurement of the raw material inspection, process inspection, and finished product shipment inspection to verify that the product requirements have been met.

8.6.2 In the product realization planning stage, the Quality Control Department shall make detailed provisions for the inspection of each stage, compile the corresponding inspection operation documents, and clarify the inspection points, inspection items, frequency, inspection means and inspection rules.

8.6.3 The inspectors at all levels shall complete the inspection work at the corresponding stage according to the requirements of the inspection operation documents.

8.6.4 The inspection results shall be recorded and the inspection records shall be kept. The inspection record shall:

a) Clearly indicate whether the product meets the requirements of the acceptance criteria (patterns, specifications, standards, etc.)

b) Persons entitled to release should sign or affix their seals

c) The product may be released (including delivered) after all inspections have been completed and the inspection results meet the requirements. In special circumstances, the concession of the qualified product shall be approved by the company’s authorized personnel, and if necessary, the customer’s approval is required

8.7 Control of Nonconformances

Nonconforming Product Control

8.7.1 The Quality Control Department shall establish and maintain the “non-conforming product control procedures” to prevent unintended use or delivery of non-conforming products. Disposal of nonconforming product is usually handled by one or more of the following methods:

a) Correction (such as rework), and after correction should be repeated to verify that it meets the requirements

b) quarantine, limit, return or suspend the use of products and services

c) inform the customer

d) obtain authorization to receive concessions

8.7.2 After disposing of the non-conforming product, it is necessary to leave a record including the description of the non-conformity (name, model specification, quantity, non-conforming nature), the measures taken, the concessions obtained and the authorization to dispose of.

9 Performance Evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

9.1.1 General

Company plans and determines to perform the following monitoring and measuring processes:


ObjectMajor test and evaluation methodreferencedepartment
product characteristicsProduct testingMonitoring and measuring control processQuality control department
Process characteristicsMonitoring production processProduction control processProduction department
System effectivenessCustomer satisfaction evaluation9.1.2 customer satisfactionSales department
System conformanceInternal auditInternal audit control processRepresentative
System applicability and adequacyManagement reviewManagement evaluation processRepresentative


9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction

Sales department shall be responsible for gathering and monitoring Customer Satisfaction as the measurement of quality control management.

Sales department shall obtain information regarding Customer Satisfaction by communicating with customers.

This includes information on customer satisfaction feedback on delivered products and services, sales demand, market demand and changes in the number of orders.

The methods of obtaining the information include email, telephone conference, fax, online customer surveys, visit, meeting with customers, and providing onsite services.

By analyzing and summarizing the collected information using statistical techniques, such as Pareto Diagram, Cause, and Effect Diagram, Pie Chart and Percentage calculation, we establish the project improvement plan, address the specific department responsibility and make the customer satisfaction report.

Sales department shall analyze the information and discuss the cause, corrective and preventative actions with productive department, quality control department.

Sales departments shall take corrective actions according to customers’ feedback and report the changes and result of action to customers in time.

NOTE: Examples of monitoring customer perceptions can include customer surveys, customer feedback on delivered products and services, meetings with customers, market-share analysis, compliments, warranty claManagement System and dealer reports.

9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation

Data collected from a range of activities is analyzed to extract information from so that decisions can be made based on fact. It can be evaluated to determine if the results are acceptable and if action shall be taken or not. The results will allow us to evaluate:

a) conformity of products and services to requirements

b) the degree to which our customers are satisfied

c) the performance and effectiveness of the Management System and the need for improvements to it.

d) if planning has been performed effectively

e) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities

f) the performance of external providers or goods and services.

9.2 Internal audit

Resources and Employee Development Support

9.2.1 Internal audit frequency and goal

The company conducts an internal audit at least once a year to identify problems promptly and take corrective actions to ensure that the quality and environment are healthy and safe. Also determine:

a) Whether it meets the quality and environmental occupational health and safety requirements determined by the company

b) Whether it meets the requirements of the management system

e) Is it effectively implemented and maintained

9.2.2 The management representative is responsible for:

a) Plan, develop, implement, and maintain an audit plan based on the importance of the process, changes to the organization, and past audit results. The audit plan includes frequency, method, responsibilities, planning requirements, and reports

b) Prepare an audit plan that sets out the audit criteria and scope of the internal audit

c) Select an auditor to ensure that the audit process is objective and fair

d) Ensure that relevant management departments receive audit results reports

e) Take appropriate corrective and corrective actions promptly

f) Retain records, information and vouchers as evidence of the implementation of the audit plan and the results of the audit.

Note: For related guides, see ISO19011

9.2.3 Review Plan

Each year the management representative develops an internal audit plan. The plan includes: scope, frequency and method of review, approval by the general manager, and concurrent

If the department requests or has a major quality issue or a continuous customer complaint, the department may organize an unplanned special review promptly.

9.2.4 Audit implementation

Internal audits are conducted by qualified personnel.

The auditor cannot review his or her own work and ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit process; the audit team leader prepares the audit implementation plan, organizes the implementation of the internal audit according to the audit procedures, prepares the “checklist” for on-site audit, and makes the audit conclusion. Form an audit report to the management representative and the general manager for review.

9.2.5 Audit tracking management

The responsible department analyzes the causes of non-conformities, formulates corrective action plans and implements them;

The results of the rectification of non-conformities are tracked and verified by the Comprehensive Management Department;

The management representative prepares an annual internal audit comprehensive analysis report, reports to the general manager, and serves as an input for the management review.

Records of internal audits should be kept. It should be ensured that internal auditors have the appropriate capabilities.

9.3 Management Review

Management Evaluation Control

9.3.1 General

Management reviews the Management System at least once every twelve months. The purpose of the review is:

a) to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness and that it is in alignment and supports our strategic direction

b) to evaluate opportunities for improvement;

c) to evaluate the need for changes to the Management System including policy and objectives.

9.3.2 Management review inputs When planning and implement management review, the followings shall be taken into account:

a) the status of actions from previous management reviews

b) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management system

c) information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in:

1) customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties

2) the extent to which quality objectives have been met

3) process performance and conformity of products and services

4) nonconformities and corrective actions

5) monitoring and measurement results

6) audit results

7) the performance of external providers

d) the adequacy of resources

e) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities

f) opportunities for improvement.

9.3.3 Management review outputs

Records of Management Review meetings include details and actions related to:

a) Improvement of the Management System or our business processes

b) Needs for changes to the Management System

c) Resource needs

10 Improvement

10.1 General

Cestoil Chemical Inc. Management seeks to continually improve the Management System as well as taking action to meet customer requirements, improve customer satisfaction and improve environmental performance

Action taken can include:

a) improving products, services and environmental performance as well as identifying future needs and expectations

b) correcting, preventing or reducing undesirable effects

c) improving the Management System

10.2 Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action

10.2.1 When a Quality or Environmental nonconformance occurs or a complaint is received, Management ensures that

a) action is taken to control and correct the issue and

b) steps are taken to deal with any consequences

c) The need for further action to eliminate the cause(s) to prevent recurrence will be considered. This will be appropriate to the impact of the Nonconformance encountered and will be based on the nature, scope and severity of the nonconformance. Not all nonconformances will require Corrective Action

d) Management is responsible for ensuring that the nonconformance and related information will be reviewed in sufficient detail to identify the root or actual causes and if decided necessary, to develop and implement any Corrective Action. They will also consider and investigate if similar nonconformities exist or could potentially occur elsewhere.

Recommended solutions are adopted and implemented on the basis of achieving a cost efficient, effective, relevant, and timely resolution.

Corrective and preventive actions will not be closed by the responsible Manager until the effectiveness of the solution has been verified as being effective and any required changes to the Management System are made and implemented. This verification of effectiveness may take some time based on the type of nonconformance and related conditions.

10.3 Continual Improvement

General Manager will investigate opportunities to improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the Management System based on the results of analysis and evaluation of monitoring activities and Management Reviews.

Company Structure